Saturday, June 01


April 18, 2022

Mnangagwa - It's Time For Zimbabwe To Rise & Shine

ZIMBABWEANS must be united by a common vision to build a prosperous and empowered nation as the country's economy is likely to grow regardless of the numerous challenges it faces, President Mnangagwa has said. Speaking to a bumper crowd at United Family International Church (UFIC) Easter conference held in Chitungwiza yesterday, the President said it was incumbent upon every Zimbabwean to work hard and build a country that they want and deserve. Quoting extensively from the Bible, the President said: "Let us equally never tire in our quest to build the Zimbabwe ‘we all want' even as the fourth beatitude in Matthew 5 verse 6 highlights that, those who hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled. In due season, we shall reap. The resurrection of Christ cele

April 10, 2022

VP Chiwenga Encourages Support Young Women For ED

 VICE-President Dr Constantino Chiwenga has urged  stakeholders in Government and the banking sector to support the Young Women for Economic Development (YWED) initiative in its quest to start income-generating projects. Presiding at the graduation ceremony of over 600 young women from Mashonaland East province who were yesterday presented with certificates of attendance in mushroom farming, VP Chiwenga said women need support so they can exploit  economic resources in the province. He commended the YWED for initiating programmes that contribute to the socio-economic development of the nation. “May I extend a humble plea to other empowerment agencies such as the Women’s Bank, Youth Empower Bank, the Ministry of Youths, Sports, Arts as well as that of Wom

April 05, 2022

NSSA Donates President Mnangagwa Biography To Masvingo Schools

The National Social Security Authority (NSSA) has donated hundreds of copies of President Mnangagwa’s biography, “A Life of Sacrifice”, to various schools across Masvingo province to inspire tomorrow’s leaders on the importance of loyalty and service to one’s country. The biography chronicles President Mnangagwa’s history dating back to the pre-independence era where he just like other conscious young people of his age underwent military training to liberate his motherland culminating in political independence in 1980 after a protracted armed struggle. The donation of copies of the book chronicling President Mnangagwa’s life journey by NSSA also seeks to motivate young people to adopt the President’s mantra, “Nyika inovakwa ne

